Fire Emblem: Kakusei will have elements of gameplay retained from previous entries in the series, but will also have various new features. The game features a new option to perform a team-up attack with a supporting character. The "My Unit" system, which featured in Hikari to Kage no Eiyū makes a return, allowing the player to create and customise their own playable character. There is a traversable world map, like in Gaiden and The Sacred Stones, where you can enter battles or purchase supplies from locations on the map. Special Skills from Seisen no Keifu and Path of Radiance make a return—characters can have five Skills at one time, with surplus Skills held in the character's Skill bank.
Much like the Seisen no Keifu some characters will be able to pair up and have children. The player created My Unit is able to pair up and marry any opposite gendered character.