Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Deep in the underworld of Ardania, a threat of the most evil nature grows and multiplies with an appetite for destruction that is unsurpassed. Summoned from the depths of the Bottomless Pit, the (once) mighty Báal-Abaddon has been torn from his throne of skulls and imprisoned in an earthly body of less-than-imposing stature (he's an Imp, OK?) to serve the none-too-competent sorcerer Oscar van Fairweather. But unfortunately for Fairweather, the luck of the damned is on Báal's side and he soon breaks free to build his own dark and majestic... Impire.
In Impire, you take control the of demon Báal-Abaddon as he attempts to rebuild his mighty hell spawn form. With the aid of dozens of evil creatures big and small as well as an arsenal of spells, you will help him construct a dungeon underworld of limitless evil and nastiness to stop all those pesky Heroes of Ardania from ruining his return to greatness!
The game includes features like:
- User-designed dungeons filled with different room types and an assortment of deathtraps
- Minions of every shape and size to be leveled up and equipped with upgraded equipment
- A custom deck of magical item cards to be unlocked and built to suit any playing style
- The opportunity to squash pesky heroes beneath one’s hooves, and grind their souls into helpful dungeon-building resources
- A perilous campaign to be played in solo or co-op mode
- Many multi-player modes to confront and crush one’s so-called “friends”
Impire is slated for release on PC in Q1, 2013, so here’s hoping you’ve lived a full and satisfying life.

Check out the brand new trailer right here:

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